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  Vision = who we are     Mission = what we do    

In the fall of 2009, the Session and congregation began exploring where we have been and where God is calling us in ministry in the coming years. We enjoyed conversations at fellowship dinners, special retreat meetings and "fireside chats" with Pastor Lisa. Every person's input was valued and needed!

In 2010 the church adopted a new Vision and Mission Statement that we believe glorifies God and challenges us as God's beloved children. The title "Growing and Building in the Love of Christ" comes from the Apostle Paul's words to the believers at Ephesus: From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Paul's words are especially poignant for us. We hope they are a blessing for you!

Growing and Building in the Love of Christ
Ephesians 4:16

We ENVISION a church that

  • Is kind, generous, hospitable and welcoming
  • Involves everyone in local and global mission
  • Treats everyone as a Child of God
  • Shares our time, talents, and treasure

Our MISSION is to grow and build in

  • Faith through worship, prayer, and Bible study
  • Fellowship with one another and with guests
  • Hospitality shown to our community and world
  • Facilities that are exceptional and accessible


We're Growing & Buiding in the Love of Christ!